We entered London through the famous Tower Bridge, which opened up just for us! We waved to the tourists on either side...it was quite a thrill (and the calm Thames was quite a relief after the perilous North Sea crossing).
 The Tower Brige closes behind us. Silhouetted you can see some of the other Belgians manning the rail.
 I thought this sign for a chicken store was really funny. I think it stands for Fried Chicken Kebabs and Fries...a knockoff of KFC? Incindentally, there are so many kebab places in London because apparently even the British don't like British food.
 In Trafalgar Square, with Big Ben in the background. Yes, it does do the "Big Ben song" (Westminster Chimes) but it's pretty quiet...you have to be pretty close in order to hear it. And, yes, "Big Ben" does technically refer only to the bell, not the tower.
 The newly reconstructed Globe Theatre. Not far from where our ships were docked...
 ...where we got to see King Lear. They sold "groundling" seats for £5 where you could get right up close to the stage (as you can see, we're quite close to the actors). At one point, Edmund (one of the characters) even gave Ben a prop!
 The Millenium Bridge, designed and built at enormous cost in celebration of the new millenium, but closed shortly thereafter because it swayed so much that people got seasick. I thought that nothing could phase me after the North Sea, but they still wouldn't let me on it...in the distance is the magnificent dome of St. Paul's.
 On the pier by the HMS Belfast, a British battlecruiser which is now a museum. Our ships were all tied up next to the Belfast, whose docents were very hospitable.
 Having fun in the space-age-modern Jubilee Line of London's Underground. I thought it was especially funny that all the exits are labeled "Way Out."
 Luke's Guide to Design: Part Three Okay, when you press the button to cross the street in the US, you never know whether the Hidden Traffic Computer actually "got" the message or not. But in Britain, this cool "WAIT" light comes up...a great example of feedback.
 On our way out...BNS Primula passes the Tower of London.